IP Services


IP can be technically and legally complex, expensive and is often not aligned with the client’s business plan.

Frequently overlooked at an early stage of a business, the lack of proactive management of Intellectual Assets (IAs), IP Rights and IP portfolios can lead to an underestimating of the true value of a business.

When raising capital (either equity or grant money), there is frequently a disconnect between investor/funder-investee IP expectations and a lack of understanding on developing value from IAs and IP Rights.

This even though the customer is continuously creating value-adding knowledge, such as IAs and IP Rights.

Example – software business

  • IAs created – software code

  • IP Rights suitable for protecting the IA ‘software code’ – copyright, patent

You can read our article for Barclays on the topic: ‘Understanding the value of your startup’s IP’.

Strategic IP Services

Innovare Strategic IP Services Diagram

Retained support


Advising on innovation and IP management and strategy, often as a pseudo- in-house attorney on a retainer basis



Providing strategic IP advice aligned with the business’ commercial plans, often involving undertaking a mapping of the commercial plans and products to the business’ IAs and IP rights

Due Diligence


Conducting IP due diligence in investment transactions, representing either the investor or the investee company.



Undertaking IP Auditing and IP Evaluation, for the purposes of understanding the types of value-adding intellectual assets and rights created by high-growth companies

IP Clauses and IP Schedules


Advising on IP clauses in and creating IP Schedules for various agreements (licence, research collaboration agreements, etc) negotiations, thus working closely with the solicitors drafting these agreements

Freedom to Operate


Undertaking freedom to operate and patentability opinions



Providing advice and input into IP disputes and litigation



Advising on enforcement of IP Rights

University Technology Transfer Practices


Advising on technology transfer practices, representing either the university’s Technology Transfer Office or the university spin-out or start-up

Patent Box and R&D Tax Relief


Advising on the use of IAs and patents in obtaining UK tax relief (the tax relief applications are made by specialist companies)


Services for securing, maintaining and enforcing IP Rights


  • Trademark initial consideration and online searching

  • Red-flag novelty searches for initial consideration

  • Patent and design novelty searches (via Specialist Searching Company)

Intellectual Asset (IA) and Innovation Management


Advising on Intellectual Asset identification and Management, including assistance with the creation of in-house Innovation Management tools and practices


Registrable IP Rights



  • Drafting and filing patent applications in UK, EPO and WIPO

  • Prosecuting patent applications to grant, often using ‘accelerated prosecution’ by means of Green Channel and/or Patent Prosecution Highway

  • Patent maintenance and renewal

  • Patent enforcement



  • Drafting and filing trademark applications in UK and EUIPO (via Associate)

  • Trademark initial consideration and online searching

  • Trademark filing, prosecution, registration and renewal

  • Advising on trademark interparties matters at the UKIPO

  • Trademark portfolio management

  • Legal support for trademark disputes

  • Advice on trademark infringement and passing off



  • Filing design applications in UK and EUIPO (via Associate)


Unregistrable IP Rights

Copyright ©

Advising on securing copyright protection and appropriate copyright notices

UK unregistered trademarks ™

Advising on identification and securing of UK unregistered trademark protection

UK and EU Design Right

Advising on identification and securing of UK and EU design right protection

Technology Sectors

Customers Types